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4 Benefits of Hollow-Core Concrete Slabs

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If you need to put down foundation slabs in a build, then you can use regular solid slabs. However, you should take a look at hollow-core slabs before you put in your order. Hollow-core slabs have some benefits over solid options. What are they?

1. Faster Installation

Hollow-core concrete slabs are precast. You order the size of slabs you need, and your supplier delivers them ready for installation.

Like any precast slabs, hollow-core products have a faster installation time. You don't need to mix and pour concrete on site.

However, hollow-core concrete slabs are even faster to install than regular precast slabs. They aren't solid but have a hollow centre. Therefore, they're lighter and easier to carry and to manoeuvre into place.

2. Reduced Foundation Costs

The lighter weight of hollow-core concrete slabs can also help you cut costs in other parts of your build. For example, your foundation build costs could be lower.

Foundations have to take the weight of your slabs into account as well as any other weight they might have to hold. If you use a heavy solid slab, then it weighs more. You might have to add more foundational support, such as steel reinforcements and beams, to create the strength of surface you need.

If you use lighter hollow-core slabs, then you might not need as much additional support. The lower weight of the slabs means that you might not need to add as many reinforcements. This should reduce your material and labour costs.

3. Integrated Service Access

If you need to install service cables or pipes on top of your slabs and under a floor, then you'll need to find a way to set up a holding infrastructure. Once pipes or cables are buried under a floor, they become hard to access if they need to be repaired or replaced.

If you use hollow-core slabs, then you can use the open centre of each slab to hold service pipes and cables. You can feed them through the middle of a slab.

You won't need to work out a way to fit these items into your build and keep them safe. They will be contained inside the slab. This placement gives them extra protection from environmental and accidental damage.

4. Improved Sound Insulation

While you might think that solid concrete slabs will give you some sound insulation, they aren't completely efficient here. Noise travels through a solid slab.

Hollow-core slabs reduce noise levels more efficiently. The air in their empty centres traps some noise and dampens it. If you're looking for ways to reduce noise levels in a build, then these slabs will help.

To find out more, talk to your concrete slab supplier.
